Rapid Development Environment Commands

Kinjal P Darji
2 min readOct 4, 2023


To quickly test the code changes in AEMaaCS environment, Rapid Development Environment or RDE can be used. One can deploy content packages, code, dispatcher, osgi configurations on RDE and test it in actual cloud service environment. This makes the unit testing faster and easier for the developers. Once the changes are tested on RDE, they can be deployed to AEM environments using regular cloud manager pipelines. In order to deploy on RDE, there are set of commands those can be utilized.

Before using RDE, it is required that AIO is set up. Please find the steps for the same here — https://github.com/adobe/aio-cli . Below are the list of commands those can be used for RDE from local environment.

  1. To get list of commands —
aio aem:rde

2. Deploying a content packages that is built locally —

aio aem:rde:install aemtechblog.ui.apps-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.zip

3. Deploying OSGI configuration

aio aem:rde:install com.aemtechblog.core.servlets.CsvResponseServlet.cfg.json

4. Deploying complete config package

aio aem:rde:install target/aemtechblog.ui.config-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.zip

5. Deploying a bundle

aio aem:rde:install ~/.m2/repository/com/brightcove/com.brightcove.connector/6.0.0/com.brightcove.connector-6.0.0.zip

6. Deploying a file

aio aem:rde:install world.txt -p /content/dam/aemtechblog/world.txt

aio aem:rde:install world.txt -s author -p /content/dam/aemtechblog/world.txt

aio aem:rde:install world.txt -t content-file /content/dam/aemtechblog/world.txt

7. Deploying dialog xml file

aio aem:rde:install ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/aemtechblog/components/helloworld/_cq_dialog/.content.xml -t content-xml -p /apps/aemtechblog/components/helloworld/_cq_dialog/.content.xml

8. Deploying dispatcher configuration

Convert dispatcher configuration into zip file using mvn clean install.

aio aem:rde:install aemtechblog.dispatcher.cloud-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.zip

9. Checking RDE status

aio aem:rde:status

10. To view RDE deployment history

aio aem:rde:history

11. Deleting from RDE

NOTE : Deletion of content packages or content files is not supported. To remove them, the RDE should be reset, which returns it to a default state.

However, one can delete bundles and configuration files.

aio aem:rde:delete com.adobe.granite.csrf.impl.CSRFFilter

12. Resetting RDE

Resetting RDE environment removes all deployments done on the environment. This reset is useful, for example, if the RDE has been used to test a specific feature and you want to reset it to a default state so you can test a different feature.

Resetting can be done using Environments tab in experience.adobe.com.

13. To know organization

aio where

More AIO commands can be found at




Kinjal P Darji

Hi, I am an AEM architect and a certified AWS Developer — Associate.