AEMaaCS Deployments

Kinjal P Darji
2 min readMay 15, 2022

Deployment Via Cloud Manager :

All the code written by the developers have to be deployed through cloud manager on the AEM environments. The packages installed on Cloud Manager can not be interacted with i.e. they can not be opened, downloaded or replicated.

Cloud manager will only install the mutable contents.

All content and code persisted in the immutable repository must be checked into git and deployed through Cloud Manager.

It is not possible to deploy the code directly on running AEM instance. This ensures that the code running for a given release in any Cloud environment is identical, which eliminates the risk of unintentional code variation on production.

OSGI configuration should be committed to source control rather than managed at runtime via the AEM web console’s configuration manager.

Cloud Manager deploys mutable contents at three instances while the deployment.

Any included 3rd party packages must be validated as being AEM as a Cloud Service Service compatible, otherwise its inclusion will result in a deployment failure.

Repoinit should be preferred way of configuring users, groups and ACLs.

Content Synchronization between Stage and Prod can be done using Package Manager. However, packages should only have mutable contents.

Pre-built packages from third party should be referenced in pom.xml file instead.

Blue/Green Deployment Model:

All the deployments are done using blue green strategy to ensure there’s no author instance downtime. This is also known as rolling deployment strategy. Blue is the old version and Green is the new version being installed. Both run on the same AEM versions. The steps involved in this deployment are discussed in brief below.

In AEMaaCS the deployment is never done on the existing AEM instance. Rather a new instances is created and a new deployment is done by combining a baseline image for the targeted version of AEM Cloud Service with the components, templates, configurations, etc. that are part of the deployment packages. This is performed as part of a blue/green deployment model, where new AEM and Dispatcher instances are created along with the existing instances, the CDN points to the new instances, and then the old instances are taken down. This results in zero downtime for both the Author and Publish.



Kinjal P Darji

Hi, I am an AEM architect and a certified AWS Developer — Associate.