Content Distribution in AEM as a Cloud Service
In AEMaaCS, the replication framework is no longer used instead Sling content distribution is used to distribute the contents in different instances of AEM on cloud.
The Sling Content Distribution can be used in one of the below modes :
- Forward distribution — means pushing from one instance of sling to another.
- Reverse distribution — means pulling from one instance of sling to another.
- Sync distribution — means synchronizing two instances of sling using one coordinating sling instance.

Sync distribution allows modifications made on one publish instance to be synchronized with other publish instances in the form of publish instances via author instance.
In AEMaaCS, Sling content distribution is done using a pipeline service that runs on Adobe I/O, which is outside the AEM runtime.
Few key points to remember about Sling content distribution in AEMaaCS are
- All the content distribution happens on the basis of pipeline and subscription. So authors are not necessarily aware of number of publishers. This allows fast auto-scaling of the publishers.
- The content distribution set up is completely automated including automatic self-configuration when publish nodes are added, removed or recycled during runtime.
- A single publish or unpublish request can include multiple resources, but will return a single status applied to all; it will succeed for all resources in the AEM Publish Service, or fail for all. This ensures that the resources within the AEM Publish Service will never be in a inconsistent state.
- The Distribution triggers can be used and configured to automate the distribution of content between Author and Publishers.